Monday, October 22, 2012


Ball of Light @ DA-IICT

That's how we create the ball of light @ 3a.m. DA-IICT Lawns !!
DSLR set to full exposure on bulb mode

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Plastic bags for customers @ a price

The Indian Government has asked the shopkeepers to collect rupees from the customers for plastic bags else they would be fined !! Unfortunately this decision has not brought an expected change. Very rarely people wander out carrying bags from home. And ideally people don't mind paying the small amount in account with what they have shopped ! Nor does this play on the customers mind strongly to bring an impact.
The government should rather impose the law on shopkeepers; those who provide plastic bags to customers would be thoroughly fined. Collecting money from the customers is insane, the government should not provide an option by providing plastic bags at a charge. But in-fact strictly impose on the shopkeepers to use paper bags.
What the government is trying to do is either not clear or the message is wrongly communicated as this wont ever solve the purpose !!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Do we need to innovate the Stamps ??

Stamps have been iconic over the years with a meaning to convey in a fancy way. The essence though lies in the way it connects you to the place from where it comes.
Can be interestingly seen as a visual medium that is significant to convey messages apart from the intended ones !                        
Apparently to keep up with the pace of the fast moving world majority of people opt for the modern ways for post i.e Speed Post !!

Unfortunately they do not revive the feeling that the stamps imparted earlier and it seems the stamps should not be neglected but 'Innovated' !                            

                                                                                                                            Speed Post
The adjacent image has everything apart from the stamp.
Why isn't there a stamp ??

Why dont we innovate : Stamps with a barcode ???

A combination of them would stand out symbiotic !
The stamp would justify its relevance & the bar-code signifies it's purpose. This could stand out be a new face for the Indian Postal Service!        

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Indian Trans-Nationalism Online

Indians have always been strongly adhered to their enriched culture. These traditional values have been injected into them since their very young days. Apparently this has resulted into strong socio-culture bond amongst Indians across borders. Internet has revolutionised the way human interactions across boundaries occur and has provided a robust platform for communications to take place.

The real essence lies within the Indian culture which has significantly sustained over a period of time and the technologically advancements that have tailored its purpose. Indians inspite of being away from their motherland they have always been tuned with the proceedings back home. Internet has served as a catalyst to set up a virtual family for people living abroad. Traditional events of significant importance that impart a feeling of intimacy, starting from a baby shower to a death in a family go a long way over the web. Importantly with the Internet readily available these days all the Indian traditions are skyped!

The significance of worshipping Gods has always been an integral part of one’s life. Taking this into account the temple authorities back home have developed websites where they stream live darshan for their devotees around the world.  You can even perform an online aarti ! Online gaming has been a quite interesting segment to educate kids about the Indian culture right from their youthful days. The matrimonial sites have come up really well, actually eased the process for finding a match back home; so are the online cookery shows teaching to prepare dishes the Indian style away from home. Well it doesn’t end here, there are numerous events that have their ties back home.

India being a diverse nation, people in different states are adhered to their specific culture and these practises can been identified over the web! An intensive research over the web you can identify the tendencies of the Indian people.
The actual essence lies in the Indian culture which has been elastically stretched across nations taking Internet as its real backbone. All forms of exchanges of information have been explored by the Indians over the Internet in order to live a living wherever they are !

Monday, January 9, 2012

DA-IICT Youth Run 2012

DAIICT Youth Run 2012
22nd January

My hands on the first ever video featuring DA-IICT Youth Run theme "Passion".

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Design A Catalyst For Sustainable India

                                                                                        All For A Cup Of Tea

Today India is moving upbeat at all frontiers. Designing has undoubtedly been a vital ingredient for its upcoming. However, design has played a different role for varied segments.
In our country where majority of the population is living around the poverty line, how important social responsibility it becomes for them to sustain; to live a living. When you rate a nation’s progress you cannot outcast the role of a crucial community of people.

The big fishes in the market have enough funds in their piggy, it’s the small fishes who have hard core time. As these are the people who hold a huge hand in the progress of the nation, designing is completely different at their level, more crucially it’s for their social living!

When you have your own stall & strangely you realise you are not the only one standing in the market! The actual test starts, and yes ultimately you are doing that for your living.
In such scenarios designing has differed yet sustained the market, India has done a formidable job upfront.
Importantly a thing that has been noticed upon is the centric presence of God in all perspectives. It has actually been the backbone over the years and significant for this genre of people. Designing on the Indian street has always revolved around this.

The focus on ‘God’ remains of utter importance when you see vendors in the market and so the designing surrounds around it. Significant impact can be made if this can be implemented into the Indian market for a segment of audience.