Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Colors Of Life !

    An evening stroll through the fruit market in the walled city area, Ahmedabad.

It's evening when the sun is about to sink, the all day energy levels almost drain & the eagerness to rush home.Wandering through the market, a youthful smile caught my attention. There was something that was pulling me towards him ! Through my introspection I figured; the vendors out there were probably aged people. The only odd one out catching my eyes was undoubtedly the blissful young lad.
This points out the zest the little boy possessed. This connects to, the younger generation that has enough potential and the enthusiasm to drive the nation.
 Today, people are caught in different circles of life they forget to identify their colors : what they are doing, what their purpose is & why they are there !
Ultimately what comes out is the 'spirit' that he wears at the end of the day, which differentiates him from the others saying : " The job is yet not done, until it's done ! " The younger generation has enough energy to reach undefined horizons, so identify yourselves & bring out your hidden potential!